Chengfeng Zhu


FacultyName:Chengfeng Zhu


Position:Vice Director of Applied Chemistry Department

Office:701, Shenghua Building



B.S.,Chemistry, AnhuiNormal University,2002-2006

M.S.,Inorganic Chemistry, AnhuiNormal University,2006-2009

Ph.D.,Applied Chemistry, ShanghaiJiaoTong University,2009-2013


ZhuChengfeng is the Vice Director of the Department of Applied Chemistryat the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at HefeiUniversity of Technology. He mainly carries out the design andassembly of biomimetic porous materials around privileged chiralmolecules such as amino acids and Schiff bases, focusing on theresearch theme of hierarchically porous materials with multiplechiral centers and multifunctional sites for chiral separation andasymmetric catalysis.


Assemblyof Biomimetic Porous Materials (MOFs, PCCs…)

ChiralRecognition and Separation

HeterogeneousAsymmetric Catalysis


Materialsynthesis and preparation technology

SelectedFunded Projects:

TheAssembly of Amino-acid-derived Supramolecular Coordination Cages forEnantioseparation”GrantNo.22271072,National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023.01-2026.12

SelectedAwards and Honors:



1.ChengfengZhu,*Haitong Tang, Keke Yang, Yu Fang,* Kun-Yu Wang, Hong-Cai Zhou*, etal. “Homochiral Dodecanuclear Lanthanide “Cage in Cage” forEnantioselective Separation”, J.Am. Chem. Soc.,2021, 143, 12560-12566.

2.ChengfengZhu,*Keke Yang,# Hongzhao Wang,# Yougui Li,* Kun-Yu Wang,* Hong-Cai Zhou*,et al. “Enantioseparation in Hierarchically Porous Assemblies ofHomochiral Cages”, ACSCent. Sci.,2022, 8, 562-570.

3.ChengfengZhu,* A-Mei Zhang#, Ying Li#, Han-Xue Li, Xiang Wu, Yougui Li*, et al. “ABiomimetic Metal–organic Framework with Cuboid Inner Cavities forEnantioselective Separation”,Inorg.Chem. Front.,2022, 9, 2683-2690.

4.Changda Li,# Haitong Tang,# Yu Fang, Zhifeng Xiao,Chengfeng Zhu,*Hong-cai Zhou*, et al. “Bottom-Up Assembly of a Highly EfficientMetal−Organic Framework for Cooperative Catalysis”,Inorg.Chem.,2018, 57, 13912-13919.

5.ChengfengZhu#,Qingchun Xia#, Xu Chen, Yan Liu,* Xia Du, Yong Cui*, “ChiralMetal−Organic Framework as a Platform for Cooperative Catalysis inAsymmetric Cyanosilylation of Aldehydes”,ACSCatal.,2016, 6, 7590-7596.

6.ChengfengZhu,Guozan Yuan, Xu Chen, Zhiwei Yang, Yong Cui*, “Chiral NanoporousMetal−Metallosalen Frameworks for Hydrolytic Kinetic Resolution ofEpoxides”,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2012, 134, 8058-8061.